This summer's Women's World Cup has been a fantastic tournaments so far – full of great football, fabulous fans and some brilliant match ups.
You might have seen on our social media channels that some people from Forza Football have been out in France.
Why? To watch football, of course, but also to shine a light on what is not right within football. We wanted to meet and talk to fans about equality and why women's football deserves to be taken seriously.
We have had a wonderful time meeting people from across the world and we wanted to share some photos of the work we have been doing and of the fans we have been lucky enough to chat with about the game we all love, football.
(We might have mentioned the app once or twice too.)
One of our main projects was letting fans write down their thoughts on making football more equalPeople wrote in different languages and had dozens of amazing ideasEveryone wanted to add something or take a pictureThe Italy fans in Reims loved the bannerThe banner got more and more full as we travelled aroundIn fact we ran out of space and decided to add to the banner!We met lots of Sweden fans in Rennes before their game against ChileWe held a competition where they could win one of our special #ForzaFootball4equality t-shirtsWe bumped into international superstar Pernille well as former Sweden and USA coach Pia SundhageThe Chile fans brought colour and noiseThey didn't stop singing for a secondEven as the rain poured down fans were still excitedWe chatted to some fans on camera and you will get to see some videos soon!They met our colleagues Mirjam and ThierryAnd some lucky fans got to chat to ThierryWe spent some time with the American Outlaws and their amazing bandAs well as chatting to 'Cool Soccer Mom' one of our goalscorer reporters in the appAnd we have been trying our best to enjoy our time in France too!