Our Women In Football pledge

We are so excited to see the #WhatIf campaign entering phase 2 today. There will definitely be some amazing new pledges being made in the name of equality.

So what about the pledge that Forza Football made a year ago, as one of the first ten companies to join the campaign?

#WhatIf @ForzaFootball made live score updates and results for women’s football games easily accessible across the world

We are very pleased to report that we have increased our coverage of the women’s game a lot, both quality-wise and quantity-wise. We can now offer:

• Lineups

• Livestream links

• Highlights

• Player profiles

We wish we could have been in London at the big event tonight but we do have a celebration of our own to enjoy.

Today we are finally going to go live with our new backend system. This means we are no longer dependant on data providers and their priorities.

We can now report the data for tournaments and matches which are not prioritised by the data providers.


This past year we have also created great reporting tools for clubs where they can easily report match events and share lineups with their supporters - and, of course, keep track of their own match/player data.

This will hopefully mean a lot for many women’s teams around the world who want more people to be aware of their existence and performances.

And, as a bonus, we will share that data via our app. That’s why our users very soon will be able to follow the women’s leagues in Nigeria and Liberia in Forza Football.

A win-win for everyone!

But our equality work has not stopped there.

We are in the middle of another project, a research project to find out what women’s football fans like and what they expect from a product like ours.

We hope to find out how we can adjust the app to better fit their needs, if we don’t already fulfil them today. It has been great fun interviewing people from all over the world about the thing that unites them – a love for women’s football.

They share our hope that this Women's World Cup will be the big breakthrough for the women's game. It's about time!

Forza Football is different. As a company we aim to make the world of football a better place, and available to everyone. Support us by downloading the app (iOS and Android).
