We've got a mission!

Let's recap!

In the blogpost from February 1st we wanted to show you who we were at Forza Football. (Re-read here!)

And since then you've seen the result of our fabulous re-branding which was inspired by football fans around the world – by you. (Check it out here!)

Now the time has come to reveal if the internal work to formulate a comprehensive company mission has been successful.

It has!

During two day in March we talked about what we would like to achieve with this company, what our mission should be and how we could incorporate that in our everyday work.

First of all we agreed to delete our former mission slogan ”to democratize football” since nobody could explain what it actually meant.

Then we needed to decide if Forza Football were to remain neutral. Should we – as we do today – only offer the fans an opinion platform who listens, gathers and shares their voices, or should we also express opinions on important matters?

The correct answer was the latter.

A majority of the people at Forza Football wanted the company to take a stand in matters regarding equality, racism, human rights and injustices in general.

So that's how it's going to be!

Our mission is now less catchy than before but definitely more real:

”Forza Football strive to make the world of football a better place, and available for everyone.”

We strive to:

• Get access to all the world’s football matches for every single fan in the world
• Take a stand against racism and homophobia
• Work for equality and human rights, against corruption and injustices
• Empower fans by hearing and spreading their opinions
• Provide the youth worldwide with a supportive environment where they keep growing.
• Be role models as a transparent company

During the workshop we came up with hundreds of different ideas of things that we wanted to do as a company, but these six headlines summarise them all.

One small "but" though.

Several people underlined the importance of being smart and diplomatic when it came to our mission work. Forza Football should indeed take a stand in the matters mentioned above, they said, but it must be done in a non-political way somehow.

So that's where we are at the moment.

We finally have a mission!

(And a vision!)