What have we done?

What have we done?

Our company mission is to make the world of football a better place, and to make football available for everyone.

Right now we focus a lot on gender equality; we want to offer our users the same excellent level of coverage for women’s football that we do for the men’s game.

This commitment started back in May 2018 when Forza Football became one of the first ten corporates to take a pledge in the #WhatIf campaign organized by Women In Football.

We are still not ready to fulfill our promise, but we are working hard to be able to deliver an awesome result soon.

#WhatIf Forza Football made live score updates and results for women’s football easily accessible across the world.

Last year we also also ran an educative test in Forza Football, which over 90 000 users around the world took. It was about how unequal the reality is for women footballers. Read more here.


What more have we done in the name of our mission? Well, for example, a lot of big surveys on important matters:

An international survey on racism in football

Together with Kick It Out, English football’s equality and inclusion organisation, we conducted a survey which revealed international attitudes towards some of the most significant issues of racial equality within the sport.

Close to 27,000 users from 38 different countries chose to participate. Our report was spread by media outlets across the world and FIFA even contacted us to get to see all the data.


Measuring the fan confidence in FIFA

In a partnership with Transparency International we have conducted three different surveys regarding our users trust in football’s biggest organisation, FIFA.

In the most recent one, a year after Gianni Infantino became president, 53% of the 25,000 participants answered that they did not have confidence in FIFA. The report was spread around the world by the major media outlets such as Reuters, The Guardian, Sky Sports and CNN.

To read the full report, from March 2017, click here.

The survey result from February 2016, before the FIFA presidential election, can be found here. More than 250 newspapers, websites and TV shows across the world mentioned the report.

Back in May 2015, when we conducted the first survey together with Transparency International, four out of five Forza Football users did not think that Sepp Blatter should run again for president of FIFA. He did anyway…

Read that report here.


Two international surveys on homophobia in football

We have partnered twice with Europe’s leading LGBTQ equality charity Stonewall to find out the the fans’ perspective att attitudes towards homosexuality in football.

In October 2014 30,000 fans from 29 countries took part in the survey. Read the report here and an article from The Guardian here.

Over 50,000 Forza Football users participated in our other survey on the same subject, in December 2017 – six months ahead of the World Cup in Russia.
We created a special website for this report. Check out all the questions and the country specific data here.
And read Sky Sports, Forbes and Outsports take on the report.


Broken a World Record

In the summer of 2018 our academy in Cambodia beat the world record for a match with the most amount of players. The former record was 2357.

The new one is 2734 players!

Read more about that amazing achievement here.


There is a lot more to come from us.

We want to change the world of football for the better.

We have just started.